10 days Until the entry deadline

How to enter?

Before completing the online entry form, you will need to have a single PDF document prepared for each of your entries (maximum 10MB for each entry). In order to impress our judges and create an entry worthy of success, make sure to cover all of the four steps listed below.

Struggling to craft the content, layout, and design of your entry? Download the entry and information guide to help you decide what to include and how to shape your submission.

Please provide a short 300-word summary of your entry that includes:
- Details of the category you are entering into*
- A brief description of the organisation and what they do
- A synopsis of the work
- The project’s relevance to the category it is being entered into
- Industry context – how did the project's success impact the relevant sectors or industries involved?
- Budget (optional)

*If you feel this work is a perfect candidate and strong contender for more than one category, the summary should be tailored accordingly.

Note: We advise that the submission includes a guide on the project brief, budget and time frame to help put the project into context for the judges.

Write a project summary statement of no more than 800 words. The statement should cover objectives, the research and planning behind the submission, the creativity and innovation, strategy and implementation, and results.

Below in this guide you will find useful questions to consider when writing your entry statement. The judges will be scoring on these components (objective, research and planning, creativity and innovation, strategy and implementation and results) so it is important to ensure you cover these areas clearly and effectively within your entries.

Establishing the partnership

  • How and why was the relationship initiated?
  • Why were the companies working together a good fit?
  • What were the potential benefits of the relationship?
  • How did the partnership reflect the business strategies of both/all parties?


  • What were the objectives for both/all parties involved?
  • What benefits could the companies offer each other?
  • What was the expected result of the partnership? 


  • How did you develop the relationship or project?
  • Why did you use this approach?
  • Who were the target audiences?
  • Outline the approach you took to create a strategy that met the objectives for all parties.


  • How did you execute the strategy for both/either the target audience and internal audiences?
  • Did you encounter any unexpected problems?


  • How did the outcome of the relationship meet the expectations?
  • What were the benefits to the companies involved?
  • Has it prompted further projects?


Note: If the submission is project or campaign based, please include a guide on the project brief, budget and timeframe to help put the project into context for the judges.

The most successful entries relate their results back to the original objectives. Although statistics can be impressive, do not force them into the submission if they are not relevant to the brief.

Including supporting materials strengthens your entry by providing evidence of your achievements. Materials should illustrate your work and aid the narrative of your entry statement. It is best to include only those materials that are directly relevant to the specific category.

- Images illustrating the project or campaign

- Press coverage (up to five examples)

- Social coverage (up to five examples)

- Video (up to three minutes, please include a link in the entry rather than sending the video file)

- Statistics: any relevant statistics (optional)

- Client feedback

- Testimonials

Note: We do not accept video files, so please include links within your entry pdf (with log in details if necessary.) Please ensure there are no expiration dates on video links.


Need help with your awards entry? Our supporting partner, Boost Awards can do just that. Find out how their team of award experts can help here.